
Distance Learning Training

Prerequisites, technical requirements, hours…



About the Distance Learning Training

A three year process with no residential requirements

Apply for a place in the training


Core Curriculum Training

The Distance Learning program offers the same curriculum as the Residential program, in the same order.

The IIVR Core Curriculum Training is a training through which you will learn to work with the deep imagination and guide others, individually or in pairs, on their own interactions with deep imagery. Therefore there are two main requirements of you. The first is that you get lots of experience in journeying yourself. That is, you are guided frequently through your own journeys. The second is that you get the chance to guide others. You will learn through the experiences you have. Your own healing process is the most important aspect of what is offered to you, over this time.

Distance Learning Program
In the Distance Learning Program, you will need to be available to work with other members of your group, by phone or internet. You will also need to be available to attend the monthly live conference calls.

You can shape the timing to suit your life and work. Below are the minimum requirements. However, as this is a process-based training, the more you engage with your own healing, the deeper the work. So we encourage you to journey as much as you can, during the training.

Group Sessions: 12 each year, 1 per month
Group sessions last 2-2.5 hours and are lead by the trainers. The focus of monthly group sessions vary. Trainees have an opportunity to share their own process (journeys/guiding); there is time to ask questions; the trainers also instruct, and introduce new sections of the training; The trainers also guide example journeys.

Own Process
Guiding Practice: A minimum of 1 per month
Journeying (your own personal journeys, guided by a member of your group: a minimum of 1 per month.
Preferably, you will both guide and journey more than once a month.

You will be provided with a login for this website and will be able to avail of resources on this site, including video and audio recordings, as well as a variety of text documents that supplement the live sessions.  

Personal Prerequisites:

  • A willingness to commit to your own process of growing and healing through working with deep imagery
  • Previous experience with Deep Imagery, either through a minimum of 2 workshops or having being guided on 3 personal journeys with a trained Deep Imagery guide
  • A commitment to a three year process



Technical Prerequisites

  • Good internet/wifi connection for video conferencing calls or the ability to phone-in. We use Zoom for group meetings.
  • A online communications app for working with other members of your training group. The app you use can be any of the commonly used Apps: Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, Messenger, WhatsApp etc. Please be prepared to use MORE THAN ONE of these apps so as to facilitate ease of connection during the training.
  • Be prepared to learn how to use these Apps outside of the training time and have some support for this
  • An ability to login and use a website account for this website. Usernames and passwords will be provided.



  • Have available to you, a talking staff or other physical object that you will use during sharing in our group calls. A talking stick or staff is preferred but other suggestions include: animal carving/toy; crystals; stones; rattle.
  • Have available to you, a space or place where you can journey during the group calls and where your internet device can be placed nearby. Trainers sometimes guide group journeys during our group meetings.
  • Have available to you, a place where you can do your personal journeys guided by members of your group. Again, make sure your wifi connection is adequate in that area.
  • Have available to you, a place where you can guide members of your group. Again, make sure your wifi connection is adequate in that area and your access device has power.


Setting up the Timetable:

As a group, we agree, in general,  to meet on a certain day each month. The timing of the meeting will be determined by the members of the group and their locations. For instance, in one of the current training groups, there are people living in Pacific time zone, European Central Time zone and Indochino time. The group meetings occur at 10am-12pm Mountain time.

During the training, we will meet fairly regularly, via conference calls and web. Group meetings usually occur once a month with the occasional extra session scheduled when needed. Additional to the group sessions, each member is expected to schedule practice time on their own with other members of the training group. That is a minimum of 2 self-scheduled sessions (one to guide, one to journey) between each group session. For more complex pieces of work, expect to schedule more than 2 sessions to complete the coursework.

In the last 3 months of the year, there will also be individual sessions scheduled with the trainer. We finish each year with a final full group conference call session.  

Time Commitment

Hours per year

  • Minimum of 24 hours group instruction with trainer (a minimum of 12 Group meetings each year).
  • Minimum of 12 hours of personal journey/imagery work ( at least one journey per month).
  • Minimum of 12 hours of practice (Guide at least one journey per month).
  • Minimum of 3 hours supervised practice (Guiding a trainer or guiding another person, with the trainer present)
  • Maximum of 2 hours individual consultation with trainer. (Personal time to journey or talk)


Tuition and Payments

Tuition Fee:

For 2020 training, the Tuition Fee is : $1800, PER YEAR. 


Upon registration you pay an advance payment of $300USD. This payment will be deducted from your last payment of the training fee (Year 3).

It is possible to spread the yearly fee into smaller payments. To arrange this or to discuss other options, please consult the organizer in advance.  

Cancellation/Withdrawing from the Training:

If you cancel up to 3 week before start of the training, we will refund the advance payment minus a handling fee of $50USD. After that date, the advance payment is not refundable. If you pause or quit the training, the training fee is not refundable.

Apply for a place in the training