Vlogs and Videos

Journeys, Myth and Imagery

On Deep Imagery, on training in our program, musings on wholeness, myth….



YouTube Channel

I offer videos on Deep Imagery and Myth in my Youtube channel.

Using the Guided Journeys

If you would like to journey, I include recordings of me guiding journeys in my blog. Many are taken from teaching sessions or from workshops, recorded via Zoom.

Before you journey, find a comfortable place to lie or to sit, whichever you prefer, where you can have about 30mins of quiet time. During the journey, remember to communicate with your inner guide any thoughts, feelings, memories etc. that come up. The inner Animal or guide, is your GUIDE so allow them guide you. Of course, an individually guided journey will be deeper and more specific for you so if it ever feels right, get in touch to book a journey! www.DeepImageryTraining.com www.MaryDiggin.com


Deep Imagery News from the international community. 

Festival of the Animals, 2020

Save the Dates! Speichern Sie die Daten!

22.-27. October 2020 International Festival of the Animals “Embracing wholeness“ – Gut Frohberg near Meißen, DE – organized through the German Non-profit: verein@tiefenimagination.de

22.-27. Oktober 2020 Internationales Festival der Tiere „Embracing wholeness“ – Gut Frohberg bei Meißen – organisiert vom Verein verein@tiefenimagination.de

Tiefenimagination DE

Die deutsche Community hat eine neue Website: www.tiefenimagination.com. Ein gemeinnütziger Verein für alle, die sich für Bilder interessieren.

Schau auf der Webseite vorbei und wenn Du gern dabei sein möchtest, dann findest Du im Anhang dieser Mail einen Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft.

Bei Fragen kannst Du uns gerne kontaktieren unter verein@tiefenimagination.de

Aktuelle Termine:

20.02.2020 – 20 Uhr – Online-Reise via Zoom (danach weiter an jedem 20. des Monats)
10.03.2020 – 20 Uhr – Intervision für Begleiter*innen via Zoom
22.-27. Oktober 2020 Internationales Festival der Tiere „Embracing wholeness“ – Gut Frohberg bei Meißen – organisiert vom Verein (Ansprechpartnerin Nina Lux) und gestaltet von uns allen gemeinsam.

Wir freuen uns auf viele neue Inspirationen, eine wachsende Begleiterliste, einen sich füllenden Veranstaltungskalender sowie auf weitere Vernetzung. Vielleicht bist Du ja dabei? Das wäre toll!

Herzliche Grüße,

Margrit Jütte, Nina Lux, Dirk Flessing, Christel Lenz, Jürgen Bolz, Petra Moch-Wörner, Siegfried Wörner, Maike Hönge, Barbara Reiter & Michaela Groer – im Namen des Vereins Tiefenimagination e.V. 

Deep Imagery Gatherings, Southern CA, USA

The SoCal Deep Imagery group hold gatherings about 4 times a year. Everyone is welcome to join for the weekend.
Prices are kept at cost and the local Deep Imagery group does its best to provide accommodation for everyone.

Email Debra Vickroy at socalgroup@deepimagery.net for more information


Books, websites, events

E.S. Gallegos, Ph.D.

Developer and originator of the method, Steve Gallegos still travels and teaches.


Festival of the Animals, 2020

Save the Dates! Speichern Sie die Daten!

22.-27. October 2020 International Festival of the Animals “Embracing wholeness“ – Gut Frohberg near Meißen, DE – organized through the German Non-profit: verein@tiefenimagination.de

22.-27. Oktober 2020 Internationales Festival der Tiere „Embracing wholeness“ – Gut Frohberg bei Meißen – organisiert vom Verein verein@tiefenimagination.de

Deep Imagery Gatherings, Southern CA, USA

The SoCal Deep Imagery group hold gatherings about 4 times a year. Everyone is welcome to join for the weekend.
Prices are kept at cost and the local Deep Imagery group does its best to provide accommodation for everyone.

Email Debra Vickroy at socalgroup@deepimagery.net for more information

Getting Involved

Would you like to organize a residential training, or a workshop, near you? Or even an online event?
Contact Mary Diggin or check out the information below.


Mary Diggin, Ph.D. is a trainer who lives in NM, USA and travels to Europe to lead workshops and other events.
Contact Mary for information.


Dianne Timberlake and Debra Vickroy work together in leading people through the three year program.
email Socalgroup@deepimagery.net for information


Phyllis Brooks Licis is a trainer working in FL, USA.
Visit www.PhyllisBrooksdeepimagery.com for information.

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