Monthly free journey with the South California Deep Imagery Group. Open to all.

California Group Monthly Journey: Open to all

What: Debra Vickroy and Dianne Timberlake host a monthly Imagery circle, open to everyone.

Time: 10am PST, 11am MST, 12pm CST and 1pm EST.

Where: Online, via Zoom.

Fee:  0

email: for more info.

The date may vary from this calendar so please get in touch and register with Debra to receive correct links and times.

Deep Imagery Circles usually consuist of a time for sharing, where anyone in attandence can speak/share.

They also have a guided group journey. Sometimes, there is a theme for the monthly journey and other times, it is more open ended. Everyone is welcome. There’s no fee. Deep Imagery Circles are a great way of experiencing our work.


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