Imbolc & The Festival of Brigid 2024

Imbolc & The Festival of Brigid
with Imagery International

Dr. Mary Diggin will offer a webinar on February 8 for Imagery International on Imbolc.
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Imbolc traditionally occurs around February 1st, marking the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It is a joyous celebration of the signs of spring and the strengthening power of the sun. Like all Celtic crossquarter festivals, the date is approximate and the energies of the festival of Imbolc are not confined to a single date but embraced for weeks throughout this time.

February is the sacred month of Brigid, the goddess most deeply connected with Imbolc, and also Patron Saint of Ireland. She holds a profound significance within the Celtic Traditions. As the Goddess, Brigid personifies healing, poetry, and smithcraft. As the Saint, she safeguards Ireland, served as the midwife to Mary during the birth of her son, and acted as the foster-mother to Jesus. Linked to fire, birth, and new life, Brigid banishes the harshness of winter and welcomes the hope of spring.

Imbolc thus holds deep connections to purification, the Celtic goddess and Saint Brigid, and the preparations for the upcoming agricultural season. Traditional customs include the lighting of candles, crafting Brigid’s crosses, and paying homage to the return of life and light in nature.

This powerful time beckons us to embrace the promise of renewal and eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring.

In this webinar, Dr. Mary Diggin will tell tales of Brigid and the traditions of Imbolc.

During our time together we will:

  • Create a safe & Sacred Space together
  • Explore some of the most important aspects of this time of year
  • Participate in Guided Imagery to visit Brigid and/or the newness that needs to come into your life at this time.
  • Light a Candle (LED and non-flame is ok) and ceremonially, symbolically, let go of the old and create space for the new that needs to enter your life.


Mary Diggin Ph.D is a cultural mythologist and Deep Imagery Trainer with the International Institute for Visualization Research. She is the developer of the Online, distance learning Deep Imagery certification course. (

Mary’s deep imagery workshops often reflect her interest in myth and culture and her passionate understanding of the deep imagination as a powerful holistic means of accessing our inner world and building relationship with what we may call the outer world. She works as a Deep Imagery guide and healer in Northern New Mexico.



Goddess Group:

Important: Dr. Mary Diggin will also offer an Imbolc/Brigid reflection as part of her Goddess workshops on January 31, 2024.

Details to follow soon.

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